Post lockdown “THANK YOU RUN” for our awesome rangers and anti-poaching units members!
It is no secret that being a ranger or an anti-poaching unit member is NOT easy. These amazing men and women work long hours under sometimes hectic circumstances and often face a real war when chasing and apprehending poachers.
Coupled to this, many of them had little to no income during 2020 and a portion of 2021 as tourism came to a grinding halt due to worldwide travel restrictions. No travel and tourism = ZERO income for our game reserves who employ these brave hearts.
I decided to dedicate my 2021 Run Wild for Rhinos running expedition to these men and women who sacrifice so much for our wildlife and their protection.
In every single reserve I made it my duty to talk to the rangers and anti-poaching unit members to thank them personally on behalf of the people of South Africa for protecting and loving our wildlife and for the tremendous sacrifices they made under extremely difficult circumstances to remain in place and on duty for protecting our natural heritage. If it is not for the “boots on the ground”, we are done for!
During the 2021 expedition I only ran to and through 11 game reserves in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa as interprovincial travel opened and closed up faster than one could say the word “travel”, so I rather erred on the side of caution and kept the run to my own province.
I never realised that my province is that beautiful and vast! Our biodiversity is incredible and of the 9 biomes in South Africa, 7 exist right here in the Eastern Cape!
A beautiful run for beautiful people!